./run.sh -b < IP ADDRESS >
it will assign that IP to jboss.bind.address
change the following file....
change 8080 to 18080
change 8083 to 18083
change 1099 to 11099
change 1098 to 11098
change 4445 to 14445
change 4444 to 14444
change 8093 to 18093
Insert “loglevel -1” into slapd.conf files
Please refer to openldap admin guide for more information.
To enable the log file in the system log.
Insert the following into /etc/syslog.conf
# save OpenLDAP log
local4.* /var/log/ldap.log
then restart the ldap & syslog service.
This is Firefox2 security issues. By default Firefox 2 disabled the SSL2.0. This caused problem unable to access webpages that are running under SSL2.0 encryption. (eg maxis.com.my to view my bill)
By Following step problem will solve...
Go to location, key in about:config